This is my newest one so I tried messing around with the saturation of the picture and lightning the area with the Dodge tool but I am having a hard time lighting up the back of the chair.... Other than that I really like the direction that I am headed....
This is what I have been working on this week... Im not sure if I like the purple in the doorway??? Any suggestions or comments would be great!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Crit went well today I feel like I'm headed in a good direction!! I just need to keep working... I plan on trying some of things that were suggested today and I defiantly will be posting more of my work soon!!
This is what I have been working on its still a work in progress. I really liked the idea of incorperating my reformatory pictures with my eye scans. So I thought I would try it out and this is what I came up with... I liked how my eye scan becomes more of a texture then a part of the background.